EUCOMS partners trive to implement quality community mental health care underlining that:
- Services are based upon the goals and strengths of the individual using them
- Service users and their carers are co-creators of services
- Services respect and protect the (human) rights of people with mental ill health
- Services actively fight stigma
- Services use the least restrictive environment possible
- Hospital and community mental health teams work closely together
- Services are accessible and facilitate continuity of care in local networks
- Services report publicly about the methods they use and results they achieve
EUCOMS partners strive to achieve the following goals:
- To describe the fundamental principles and key elements of community based mental health care;
- To support assessment of national and local mental health care needs;
- To support the planning of community based mental health care to address those needs;
- To support the full implementation of community based mental health care in nations and regions;
- To create an overview of implementation status of community based mental health care in nations and regions;
- To advocate for appropriate European, national, regional and local legislation, policies and funding to meet those needs;
- To support strong peer leadership of (ex) users, family and carers in services.
You can find our EUCOMS-values-ambitions here. Organizations who share our values and ambitions are welcome to join. Partner organisations are expected to demonstrate their journey towards community based mental health services in line with our values and ambitions.