EUCOMS Network’s Full Participants

Full Participants are EUCOMS Network’s partners that pay an annual membership fee.
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Country Full Participant
Austria pro mente kärnten GmbH
Belgium Multiversum
Belgium VVP Flemish Psychiatric Association
Croatia Croatian Alliance of Mental Health Associations
Croatia Healthy City (ZDRAVI GRAD)
Croatia Klinika za psihijatriju “Vrapče”
France EPSM Lille Metropole
Germany IVPNetworks GmbH
Germany Netzwerk Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienste
Germany IVP Networks GmbH
Germany Stiftung Leuchtfeuer
Greece Society of Social Psychiatry P. Sakellaropoulos
Iceland Traustur Kjarni
Italy IRCCS Fatebenefratellia
Japan Matsuzawa Hospital via Mrs. Sho Koshikizawa
Japan The Japan Community Mental Health Service Providers Network: JCOMHS
Luxemburg ATP asbl
Luxemburg Rehaklinik Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique (CHNP)
Luxemburg ZithaUnit asbl
Lithuania Ministry of Health – Mental Health Division
Netherlands Altrecht
Netherlands ClubHouse Europe
Netherlands GGZ de Nederlandse
Netherlands GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord
Netherlands GGZ Rivierduinen
Netherlands Insight International
Netherlands Lister
Norway Norwegian Association for Mental Health and Addiction Care
Norway Sandnes Kommune
Poland Lublin Mental Health Care Association
Portugal Portuguese National Coordination of Mental Health Policies
Romania Psychiatric Hospital of Siret
Slovakia League for Mental Health in Slovakia
Slovenia ŠENT – The Slovenian Association for Mental Health
Spain ANtac
Spain Support Girona
United Kingdom Insight International