13 Mar 2022

EUCOMS – Stakeholder for joint action ImpleMENTAL

JA on Implementation of Best Practices in the area of Mental Health

EUCOMS is a stakeholder for a new EU Joint Action: ImpleMENTAL, and attended the Kickoff-meeting last year. We are looking forward to following and contributing to this important project with participants from many EU countries.

The European Joint Action (JA) on Implementation of Best Practices in the Area of Mental Health – JA ImpleMENTAL is an EU Commission initiative, to support countries in their efforts to improve mental health services and involves 40 participating organizations from 21 EE/EEA countries focusing on the transfer and implementation of two best practices in mental health, pre-selected by the Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention (Member States) from the pool of the EU’s Public Health Best Practice Portal. The project started on 1st October 2021 and will last three years.

Board director of EUCOMS, Tor Helge Tjelta (NO), attended the meeting and will follow the project. He will have special notice of the WP.5 Transfer and pilot Implementation of the  Belgian best practice on reform of mental health services, and he will also follow WP.6 since Norway has said that they will implement the Austrian best practice on suicide prevention SUPRA.

See more information on the webpage: https://ja-implemental.eu/

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